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What is Valid Tracking Rate on Amazon?

Kika Angelic



Valid Tracking Rate refers to the percentage of orders that have valid tracking information uploaded to Amazon’s system by the seller. Amazon requires sellers to provide valid tracking information for at least 95% of their orders in order to maintain a good standing in the marketplace.

If a seller’s valid tracking rate falls below 95%, Amazon may suspend their account, preventing them from listing new items or selling existing inventory. This can have a significant impact on the seller’s business, as it can result in lost sales and a decrease in visibility on the marketplace.

If a seller’s account is suspended due to a low valid tracking rate, they will need to take immediate action to address the issue and improve their tracking performance. This may involve working closely with their shipping carrier to ensure that tracking information is accurate and up-to-date, as well as reviewing and improving their internal processes for tracking and fulfilling orders.

To get their account reinstated, the seller will need to submit a plan of action to Amazon that outlines the steps they are taking to improve their valid tracking rate. The plan of action should be specific, detailed, and demonstrate a clear understanding of the issue and the steps being taken to address it. Amazon will review the plan of action and determine whether or not to reinstate the seller’s account based on the effectiveness of their proposed solutions.

Payment holds: Amazon may hold payments for orders until valid tracking information is provided. This can cause cash flow problems for the seller, as they may not receive payment for their sales in a timely manner.

Loss of Buy Box eligibility: The Buy Box is the section on Amazon’s product detail page where customers can directly add a product to their cart. If a seller’s valid tracking rate falls below 95%, they may lose eligibility to win the Buy Box. This can result in decreased sales, as many customers will only purchase products that are eligible for the Buy Box.

Negative impact on seller metrics: A low valid tracking rate can negatively impact a seller’s overall performance metrics, which can lead to decreased visibility and sales on the marketplace. This can be especially damaging for new or small sellers who are trying to establish themselves on Amazon.

To avoid these negative consequences, it is important for Amazon sellers to prioritize accurate and timely tracking information. This may involve working closely with their shipping carriers to ensure that tracking information is accurate and up-to-date, as well as reviewing and improving their internal processes for tracking and fulfilling orders. By maintaining a high valid tracking rate, sellers can improve their performance metrics and maintain a positive reputation on the marketplace.

Every day, I can see desperate sellers begging for help with Amazon seller account suspensions on social media, but no one can provide them proper assistance.

If you ever encounter someone like this, please show them this article or advise them to reach out to me at, where they can get a genuine resolution to their problem.

Additionally, here you can watch my YouTube video, where I am presenting you several secret tips about appealing Amazon Seller Account suspensions (don’t be confused by the opening of the video, where I am enjoying a vacation – it’s a part of the story):

I hope you found this article helpful. Many Amazon sellers recently started trading stocks and crypto currencies, hoping to diversify their income, which is a very good idea with all the uncertainty which comes with the platform. For this reason, we launched a new Facebook group, Crypto Arbitrage Income (Bitcoin, Crypto, Altcoins, Blockchain, Trading) – feel free to join us and forget about the troubles of selling on Amazon for a moment!

Regarding Amazon Seller Performance, you can always participate in our Amazon Seller Performance – Friendly Advice – Worldwide group, where you will be very welcome.

My name is Kristina Hajdukova, but I am known as Kika Angelic. I have been selling online since high school and I dedicated my entire life to helping other Amazon Sellers and building the seller community Regarding Amazon Seller Performance, you can always participate in my Amazon Seller Performance – Friendly Advice – Worldwide group, where you will be very welcome. If you are an Amazon Seller who needs help with any Amazon-related issues such as suspensions, listing blocks or is looking for professional assistance, please don’t hesitate to subscribe to my new OnlyFans page at:

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