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Were you affected by Delayed charge for incorrect product details on Amazon?

Recently, Amazon e-mailed all third party sellers doing business on their marketplace with a scary e-mail raising concerns. The e-mail was titled ”Delayed charge for incorrect product details” and announced that affected selling account was not fully billed or credited for the dimension and weight discrepancies resulting from incorrect product dimensions entered in product listings.
These discrepancies happen when products are shipped to customers; if the product attributes (dimensions and/or weight) printed on the shipping label do not match the actual dimensions on the shipment, carriers apply an automatic charge or credit for the difference.
Here you can view a screenshot of the full e-mail notice:

Here is a copy of the full wording:
Delayed charge for incorrect product details Dear Seller, When you ship products outbound to customers, if the product attributes (dimensions and/or weight) printed on the shipping label do not match the actual dimensions on the shipment, carriers apply an automatic charge or credit for the difference. Between September 2022 and November 2022, this automated process did not occur for all orders, and your selling account was not fully billed or credited for the dimension and weight discrepancies. On 02/02/2023, we will be charging or crediting your seller account for the amount accrued during this period of time. You will see this charge or credit on your Payment Report in Seller Central under the description of “Adjustment”. You can access a summary report of your packages and orders that had an outbound issue by following the link below. We are in the process of implementing technical improvements to ensure reconciliation is fully automated for all orders, and will notify you of any future charges or credits that are applied before that process is complete. To learn more about how your carrier calculates this charge and how to enter the correct weight/dimensions, click ‘Learn More’ Thank you, Seller Fulfillment Services |
Since most e-mails did not include any hyperlinks to summary reports of packages, Amazon further sent another e-mail regarding the matter the following day, clarifying that only sellers whose e-mails contained download link to the Summary report were affected by this incident.
Here you can view a screenshot of the e-mail (note that it includes a copy of the previous e-mail at the bottom, so sellers can check if they were affected even if they deleted the previous e-mail):

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