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What is Amazon’s new Flexible Customer Financing (FCF)

This week, Amazon announced a new feature called Flexible Customer Financing (FCF). With FCF, you can enable customers to purchase your eligible products using “4 fois sans frais” (4 payments over 90 days without interest cost) on
It is very likely that this service will soon become available across additional international Amazon marketplaces.
FCF is available for your physical products in stock on with a price range of 60€ – 2000€, however for products priced below 75 €, interest-free payments will be enabled only if the total amount of a customer’s order is at least 75 €.
There will be an extra fee charged to those Amazon Sellers, who decide to enroll into FCF, however Amazon will only begin charging it in January 2023.
To find the FCF program in Seller Central, go to the section ‘’Growth’’ and select ‘’Explore Programs’’.
Here you can view a copy of the e-mail from Amazon regarding the matter:
Engage your customers with flexible customer financing (FCF) Hello, We are pleased to announce the launch of Flexible Customer Financing (FCF) on With FCF, you can enable customers to purchase your eligible products using “4 fois sans frais” (4 payments over 90 days without interest cost) on FCF is available for your physical products in stock on with a price range of 60€ – 2000€, however for products priced below 75 €, interest-free payments will be enabled only if the total amount of a customer’s order is at least 75 €. Amazon will not charge you the program fee before January 31, 2023. To find the FCF program in Seller Central, go to the section ‘’Growth’’ and select ‘’Explore Programs’’. For more information on the FCF program, including details of eligibility requirements, how to enroll and the program fee, go to our Help pages on Seller Central: Flexible Customer Financing (FCF) Terms and Conditions: Flexible Customer Financing for sellers selling on To find the program directly in Seller Central, go to: Amazon Service Europe |
I hope this article can give you some inspiration and help all businesses to come out on top in the Q4 peak season and make a lot of money!
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