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Amazon officially announces launch of their new Polish marketplace

Kika Angelic



On 11.January 2020, I informed you in my article, how Amazon e-mailed sellers to let them know about their credit cards being assigned into the new marketplace as a charge method. I told you about it being due to the development of Polish site.

After a few weeks of speculations, Amazon finally officially confirmed the launch of their latest Amazon.PL website.

The announcement can be found on their Day One Blog and the Amazon.PL is now also fully accessible and available for processing seller registrations:

➡️ If you are an Amazon Seller who needs help with any Amazon-related issues such as suspensions, listing blocks or is looking for professional assistance, please don’t hesitate to subscribe to my new OnlyFans page at:

My name is Kristina Hajdukova, but I am known as Kika Angelic. I have been selling online since high school and I dedicated my entire life to helping other Amazon Sellers and building the seller community Regarding Amazon Seller Performance, you can always participate in my Amazon Seller Performance – Friendly Advice – Worldwide group, where you will be very welcome. If you are an Amazon Seller who needs help with any Amazon-related issues such as suspensions, listing blocks or is looking for professional assistance, please don’t hesitate to subscribe to my new OnlyFans page at:

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