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Amazon France introduces new rules addressing toys’ gender representation

Kika Angelic



As a response to the recent update of local regulations in France, Amazon sellers are encouraged not to refer to specific toys as suitable for “Girls” or “Boys”. This is to promote diversity and fight against gender stereotypes.

In addition, gender specific expressions such as “Father” or “Mother” should be replaced with simply “Parents”.

Here you can view the full announcement:

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My name is Kristina Hajdukova, but I am known as Kika Angelic. I have been selling online since high school and I dedicated my entire life to helping other Amazon Sellers and building the seller community Regarding Amazon Seller Performance, you can always participate in my Amazon Seller Performance – Friendly Advice – Worldwide group, where you will be very welcome. If you are an Amazon Seller who needs help with any Amazon-related issues such as suspensions, listing blocks or is looking for professional assistance, please don’t hesitate to subscribe to my new OnlyFans page at:

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