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What does Disabled listing status in Amazon Manage Inventory mean?

As an Amazon seller, you know that managing your product listings efficiently is crucial to success. However, encountering a “Disabled Listing” status can be perplexing and concerning. In this article, I will explain what a Disabled Listing status on Amazon means.
Unlike Inactive or Search Suppressed listings, Disabled Listings are active on Amazon’s platform and available for purchase by buyers. While the listing is active on Amazon, the “Disabled” status which you are seeing under your Manage Inventory is referring to a customized option on the listing (which is currently disabled).
It indicates that at some point in the past, you attempted to create a customized option, which remained disabled.
If you wish to offer a customization or adjust your settings, then go to “Manage Inventory” – “Custom Products” and locate the products which you would like to edit.
Please note that in order to access the Amazon Custom tools, you will need to be approved via this application and your listings must be active.
I hope you found this article helpful. If you are experiencing issues with your Amazon Seller Account and your Seller Account already received a warning or is under a review, I can help you resolve the matter.
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Additionally, here you can watch my YouTube video, where I am addressing everything you need to know about Seller Identity Verification and how to pass it:
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