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Amazon Seller News

How to find profitable products to sell on Amazon

Kika Angelic



Many new Amazon sellers, who are coming to the platform wishing to make money, without knowing what they want to sell are struggling to find profitable products to start their business journey. While there are countless courses and guides from “millionaire guru experts”, I would strongly advise you to avoid seeing help this way.

First of all, find you niche – a category of products which you would like to sell. It should be something interesting for you, comparable to a hobby. Maybe you are into fashion, technology, handmade accessories, baby toys or bee wax candles. There are countless possibilities. Don’t try to catch on a hype product – such as fidget spinners, hoverboards, etc. By the time you finally manage to have your inventory available for sale, the Amazon platform will be already flooded with thousands of similar listings with hundreds of five star reviews.

Look for the number of similar listings and never pick a generic product which is sourced from China and already sold on Amazon by numerous sellers.

A very good strategy is designing an improved version of a popular gadget or a product, based on reviewing customer feedback found within product reviews across popular ASINs.

➡️ If you are an Amazon Seller who needs help with any Amazon-related issues such as suspensions, listing blocks or is looking for professional assistance, please don’t hesitate to subscribe to my new OnlyFans page at:

My name is Kristina Hajdukova, but I am known as Kika Angelic. I have been selling online since high school and I dedicated my entire life to helping other Amazon Sellers and building the seller community Regarding Amazon Seller Performance, you can always participate in my Amazon Seller Performance – Friendly Advice – Worldwide group, where you will be very welcome. If you are an Amazon Seller who needs help with any Amazon-related issues such as suspensions, listing blocks or is looking for professional assistance, please don’t hesitate to subscribe to my new OnlyFans page at:

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