Suspended France account
Amazon Seller Performance 16 replies 0 likes 405 views
Freya Haseldine
3 years
Hello everyone
Need some help.
In Nov we moved a file which had diet supplements over from U.K. to Germany and France.
We got a lot of restricted products removal notifications due to the ingredients or ingredients missing.
As we have always done over the years we just removed them triple made sure they was gone and made a note.
In Dec I received a suspension from France saying account is suspended.
Here is the suspension notice-
Your Amazon seller account has been permanently disabled. We have removed your listings from our site.
Why did this happen?
You have listed items that are not authorized for sale on Items sold on must comply with all applicable regulations, as well as Amazon’s sales policies.
Examples of these releases include, but are not limited to:
Title: Serrapeptase, 40,000 SPU - 90 vcaps
The sale of any medication, available by prescription or over the counter, is prohibited on the site.
How can I reactivate my account?
To reactivate your seller account, please send documents or documents proving that your account has not violated our policy on restricted products.
How to send the required information?
To send this information, please reply to this message. You can also view the Performance Notifications page in the Performance section of your account, locate this message, and then click the Claim button.
What happens if I don't send the required information?
If we do not receive the required information, your account will remain inactive and we may hold funds from your account for up to 90 days. You can check the balance and payment information in the Payments section of Seller Central. For any question relating to these funds, contact us by email at
We are here to help you :
For more information on creating your action plan, see the following help page:
Has your account been deactivated by mistake?
- If you believe that the products that have deactivated your account are authorized for sale on Amazon, please include documents or documents proving that your account did not violate our policy on restricted products and we will examine your request.
- If we confirm that your account has violated our policy of prohibited products, your account will remain deactivated.
You can check your account performance at ( or by selecting Account health on the application home screen Amazon Seller on your iOS or Android device. The account health dashboard compares your account performance with seller statistics and the policies required to sell on Amazon.
- Download the application for iOS at
- Download the Android app at
I sent this POA which was rejected-
Dear Product Compliance,
Our account has been suspended due to listing items that are restricted on
The suspension is in relation to items that have been removed due to them being identified as food supplements that do not contain ingredient information in the ingredients field and also drugs that are available by prescription or over the counter.
We listed from a file of items that we listed on and failed to check that the items were also permitted on
We now understand that the listing of such items are permitted on
To rectify the issues, we have now removed these items from
I would like to emphasise that I fully understand Amazon's policy regarding all prohibited listings on Amazon.
Details of the proactive steps we take to ensure there are no listings of
restricted/prohibited items on Amazon:
1. We only list and sell items that are compliant with Amazon's policies. We understand that Amazon's policy prohibits the sale of certain products. We always ensure that we check the ingredients of any items that are reformulated by the manufacturer to ensure that no restricted items are inadvertently listed.
2. We have rechecked our inventory to check all items, and ensure all items that we wish to sell are compliant with Amazons policy on prohibited items.
3. We understand that we are responsible for ensuring that our listings comply with all laws, regulations and amazon’s policies, and that these can change.
4. We will regularly update our knowledge to stay informed on these policies as we understand that these laws, regulations and policies are often changing, and differ from the different market places.
5. We understand we are responsible for ensuring that the products we offer for sale are legal and authorised for sale, and comply with all laws, and that these laws differ from marketplace to marketplace.
We can assure Amazon that I have taken note of, and will make sure we work to the following policies and guidelines;
- Prohibited Seller Activities and Actions
- Product Detail Page Rules
- Condition Guidelines
I assure you that we have resolved all the issues that caused the account
suspension and have now implemented controls to prevent future issues.
If you have any queries or need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
F Haseldine.
The email I got back a week later (Xmas eve) was this-
After reviewing your account and the information you have provided to us, we have decided that your seller account will remain inactive.
Why did this happen?
We made this decision because you listed items that are not authorized for sale on Items sold on must comply with all applicable regulations, as well as Amazon’s sales policies.
Continuation of the procedure
All funds in your account will be forfeited any refunds related to a claim or chargeback under the A to Z Guarantee. The usual time is approximately 90 days, but the funds can be held longer. You can check your account balance and payment details in the Payments section of Seller Central. For any question relating to these funds, contact us by email at
Where can I find more information on this policy?
If you have questions about this policy, see the page:
Please note that we reserve the right not to reply to other emails regarding this issue.
You can view your account performance at or by selecting Account Health on the Amazon seller app home screen on your iOS or Android device. The account health dashboard compares your account performance with seller statistics and sales policies to follow when selling on Amazon.
- Download the application for iOS at
- Download the Android app at
I have tried sending emails but no response.
I’ve sent this POA to a number of different emails to seller performance, PQ review team around 4 emails in total over the past month.
Is the account blocked or is there a way forward?
Please help kika x