Counterfeit without a Test Buy
Amazon Seller Performance 0 replies 0 likes 1136 views
Lukasz Swiatek
3 years
Hi Guys/Kika/Vlad,
I have received an Intellectual Property Complaint, which is: "Counterfeit without a Test Buy"
The product it applies to I did actually buy on Amazon from Amazon itself, so I guess they wouldn't sell counterfeit product to me. Not sure who put that claim in as well and how to check this.
Anyway I did try to appeal, I have just written in my answer, that the product came from Amazon and sold to me by Amazon itself and attached the Amazon invoice for that product. They replied with the following:
Please provide any one of the below documents for proving authenticity of your listings:
-- A letter of authorization (LOA) or licensing agreement (LA) from the rights owner indicating that the your products are authentic. You can find the contact information of the rights owner in the listing deactivation communication you have received.
-- An invoice to indicate that your products are authentic.
-- Retraction from the rights owner to be sent to Amazon directly. You can find the contact information of the rights owner in the listing deactivation communication you have received.
I did try contacting Amazon buyer support to provide A letter of authorization (LOA) or licensing agreement (LA), but they are unable to help (have spent 3 hours on their chat)
I have also contacted the manufacturer and provided the Amazon invoice and asked them for that document they were like "we don't know what are you on about."
I would personally think that invoice issued by Amazon with Amazon as a seller would be enough for Amazon to provide the authenticity of the product, but it looks like it is not.
Have any of you came across this issue before? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thank you!