Account deactivation
Amazon Seller Performance 1 reply 0 likes 193 views
Kelly Allenby
3 years
Hi All, My Amazon account has been de-activated for 'inauthentic items" Just to clarify, theyre definitly not inauthentic and I used two of the ASINS to get ungated in toys? one of the products is a self tanning solution that i purchased via my daughter who has an account direct with the brand. I have sent all invoices and two appeals with what I have done to resolve the situation and what i plan to do going forward to protect my account and customer. They are just replying with the same generic email asking for the same evidence. One of the things they are askingfor is and authorisation letter from the brand i'm selling? Is Mattel really going to issue me with a document to approve me to sell their products? I feel like this is my last chance to prove I have been operating as per Amazon rules. I am a relatively new seller with all available money sat in Amazon's bank account and no other income, any help from this fantastic forum would be amazing.