Tag: outage
Amazon Seller Central Product Catalogue Faces Weekend Outage, Displaying Error Codes
Over the weekend, Amazon Seller Central’s product catalogue experienced an unexpected outage, causing inconvenience for sellers trying to create new listings. During this period, numerous error codes were displayed, hindering sellers’ ability to add new products to the platform. This article explores the details of the outage, its potential causes, and the impact it had…
Amazon Seller Central Europe is experiencing a massive outage
Today, Amazon Seller Central in Europe appeared broken with code errors popping up in the “Add a product” feature of Manage Inventory interface. The error is still not fixed and fields are replaced with phrases such as SEARCH_INPUT_HEADING, SEARCH_RESULT_INFO_RANK:, SEARCH_RESULT_INFO_OFFER:, SEARCH_FILTER_CATEGORY_HEADER, SEARCH_RESULT_HEADER, SEARCH_RESULT_INFO_CONDITION_USED_AND_NEW, SEARCH_RESULT_BTN_SHOW_VARIATION, SEARCH_RESULT_BTN_APPLY, SEARCH_RESULT_BTN_ SELECT_CONDITION, SEARCH_FILTER_BRAND_HEADER, SEARCH_FILTER_ALL_BRAND. If you were planning to add…
Amazon Web Services, Alexa or Amazon Echo are down again!
On 31.January 2022, Amazon experienced another wave of technical outages following similar ones happening over the past month, affecting their marketplace platform, Amazon Web Services, Alexa or Amazon Echo. AWS’s official Service Health Dashboard hasn’t acknowledged any issues yet, which can be confirmed on their official website: https://status.aws.amazon.com. However, thousands of outraged users across the…