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Amazon Canada will begin displaying rights owner information on Product Detail Pages of prepackaged products

Kika Angelic



If you are a rights owner or manufacturer of one of your private label products sold through the Amazon Canada website, you should watch out. Starting August 2021, will begin displaying the Manufacturer or Brand Name and place of business address in every Product Detail Page.

As everyone familiar with the Amazon platform can imagine, any publication of personal information usually causes more bad than good – including having disgruntled customers or competitors harass you and invade your privacy.

According to Amazon, they will pull the Labelling Information from vendor-provided data available in their system and any changes requested by the manufacturer or brand owners will be managed through the ‘Contact Us’ option.

In August 2021, Amazon Canada will add new, mandatory attributes (“Manufacturer Name” and “Manufacturer Contact Information”) to their New Item Setup forms. In addition, Seller Central will support self-service changes using standard system uploads.

Here you can view a screenshot of the e-mail notice sent to third party Amazon Canada sellers on 20.July 2021:

Here is the full text of the announcement in English:

Important information regarding the product detail page and Order Details on


Please read this email carefully. 

You are receiving this message because you are currently selling, or have previously sold, prepackaged products on

On January 2021, we began showing the name and address (principal place of business) of the manufacturer or brand owner of each prepackaged product (known as the “Labelling Information”) for retail offers on the product detail page for that product and in the Order Details section for customer orders. This will be extended to include Third Party only offers on the product detail page and in the Order Detail section beginning in July. Canadian law already requires most prepackaged products to show the Labelling Information on the product label (for more information, see  We will display the Labelling Information on the product detail page and in Order Details to provide our valued customers with additional visibility into this information. 

Where will the Labelling Information come from?
Initially, we will pull the Labelling Information from vendor-provided data available in our system and any changes requested by the manufacturer or brand owners will be managed through the ‘Contact Us’ in Seller Central.  However, in August 2021, we will add new, mandatory attributes (“Manufacturer Name” and “Manufacturer Contact Information”) to our New Item Setup forms. In addition, Seller Central will support self-service changes using standard system uploads. 

How will the Labelling Information appear to customers?
The Labelling Information will be visible to customers using both PC and Mobile App. The Manufacturer or Brand Name and place of business address will be available for customers to view in the Product Information or Product Details section and in the Order Details section following the customer purchase.

How can we help?
If you have questions about this policy, see Frequently asked questions about Labelling Information: 

Has this message been sent in error?
If you believe this message was sent as an error, please contact Selling Partner Support:  

Amazon Services team

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My name is Kristina Hajdukova, but I am known as Kika Angelic. I have been selling online since high school and I dedicated my entire life to helping other Amazon Sellers and building the seller community Regarding Amazon Seller Performance, you can always participate in my Amazon Seller Performance – Friendly Advice – Worldwide group, where you will be very welcome. If you are an Amazon Seller who needs help with any Amazon-related issues such as suspensions, listing blocks or is looking for professional assistance, please don’t hesitate to subscribe to my new OnlyFans page at:

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