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False Trademark Infringement

Amazon Seller Performance 0 replies 132 views
Some other seller filed false trademark infringement
  • They trademarked a word in class 09 related to mobile app
  • The word is very generic and we are not sure how it got approved
  • Anyways, we sell print on demand (Christmas Ornament) product in a completely different class
  • We are giving the benefit of doubt to seller that they might not know how trademark is class dependent
  • Our product is in no way related to their product. Ours and their product/service belong to two different planets
  • <font face="inherit">Amazon gave 2 options - retract the </font>complaint<font face="inherit"> from the owner (or) POA with invoices</font>
  • What should we email the person who complained to request them to retract?
  • Can anybody help us with a template?
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