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Account Suspended - Multiple IP Violations

Amazon Seller Performance 1 reply 201 views
Kem T 3 years
Hi All, I’ve been selling on the platform for 6 months now. We manufacture generic products that are sold on Amazon already albeit given slightly different names in the title (unbranded on the product). We have received 5 IP violations and had our account suspended today. We have been asked to prepare a POA and after reading around, this must be bulletproof when we send it. How do you address the issue that you are selling the same product without getting an EXACT invoice of that product. Let’s say we sold An unbranded tire, BRAND (exact same tire with no branded markings) are doing the same and submit an IP complaint against us. How would we appeal this as the manufacturer of this product? If we are unable to appeal this, could we admit fault and declare we will create our own listings for these items in future? We are willing to do this if necessary we just thought we were allowed to sell the exact same product if it were unbranded. Advice greatly appreciated, many thanks. <hr> The email for Seller Performance: Hello, Your Amazon selling account has been deactivated. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will be held in your account while we work with you to address this issue. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account. Why did this happen? We arrived at this decision because we were unable to verify information related to your seller account, or did not receive any new information regarding your listings or selling history. We’re here to help. If you need help better understanding what is causing this, please search for “Intellectual Property Violations” in Seller Central Help ( How do I reactivate my account? To reactivate your selling account, please send us the following: A plan of action that explains: – The root cause(s). – The actions you have taken to resolve the notices of infringement or violation of Amazon’s policies. – The steps you have taken to prevent infringement or violating Amazon’s policies. For security reasons, we only accept attachments in the following file formats: .jpeg, .jpg, .pjpeg, .gif, .png, .tiff. These documents must be authentic and unaltered. Thank you.
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