Requirements prior to starting a FBA wholesale business on Amazon

1) Form your LLC and obtain the necessary documents: To start a wholesale FBA Amazon business, you’ll need to create a legal entity and obtain important documents such as an Employer Identification Number (EIN), a Reseller Certificate, and your LLC documents.

2) Set up a dummy e-commerce website: You can create a dummy e-commerce website to contact brands, distributors, and wholesalers. This website can serve as a platform to showcase your business and the products you plan to sell.

3) Obtain a unique address: If you are not a resident of the US, you will need to obtain a unique address in the state where you plan to open your LLC. You can use a virtual mailbox service or a registered agent service to get a unique address.

4) Identify profitable products: Use tools such as Keepa, Scan Unlimited, Helium 10, and others to identify profitable products that meet your criteria. Some of the factors to consider include low BSR, good buy box rotation, low competition, good profit margin, and no price war.

5) Contact brand/distributor/wholesaler: Once you’ve identified profitable products, reach out to brands, distributors, and wholesalers and apply for approval to sell their products on Amazon. You can approach them through email, phone, or you’re website

6) Test inventory: Before buying inventory in bulk, start with a small testing inventory of under 100 units to gauge the product’s potential. If it sells well, you can move on to buying inventory in bulk.

7) Repack and label inventory: Use a 3PL (third-party logistics) provider to repackage your inventory and apply labels as required by Amazon’s FBA program.

8) Create a shipment plan: Once your inventory is ready, create a shipment plan and send the products to Amazon’s fulfillment centers.

9) Launch your products: Once your products are live on Amazon, monitor their performance and make any necessary adjustments to your strategy.

10) Continuously improve your business: Keep researching and testing new products to improve your business and stay competitive in the marketplace.

11) Keep Eyes Open: Once your product is live keep your eyes open to monetizing your Price to get a buy box Tackle the price war and Create an Excel sheet if what you’re selling to get motivated for next time


Consider using tools like Keepa, Jungle Scout, CameCamel, and Scan Unlimited to help with product research and analysis.

Build a strong relationship with the Brand/Distributer/Wholesaler to negotiate for a good cheap price and get high quality at a low price

Stay up to date with Amazon’s policies and regulations to ensure compliance.

In order to receive a professional advice and get help with your Amazon issue, feel free to subscribe and reach out through my dedicated assistance help page at, where I provide help with Amazon related matters in exchange for a small $24.99 fee.

If you have an Amazon-related issue, feel free to join and post into my large Amazon Seller Performance – Friendly Advice – Worldwide Facebook group, where you will be very welcome.

Many Amazon sellers recently started trading stocks and crypto currencies, hoping to diversify their income, which is a very good idea with all the uncertainty which comes with the platform. For this reason, we launched a new Facebook group, Crypto Arbitrage Income (Bitcoin, Crypto, Altcoins, Blockchain, Trading) – feel free to join us and forget about the troubles of selling on Amazon for a moment!

Additionally, here you can watch my YouTube video, where I am presenting you my advice how to avoid getting suspended on Amazon and get help with a Plan of Action without having to spend a lot of money on a hired guru: